Michael Murillo

Content Creator/Writer


My name is Michael Murillo. I was born and raised in Long Island, New York. I currently live in Patchogue, NY. I have an associate's degree in radio, tv, and production from Suffolk County Community College. I am currently attending Five Towns College in order to get my bachelor's in mass communication. Throughout my time in college, I have written a lot of papers and created some content.

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Bigfoot piece

Bigfoot: Myth or a real creature.

Bigfoot has caught the attention of people in the United States. The problem is we don’t know if it is real. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been looking.-Insearchofbigfoot.com

H1: Who is Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is a legendary creature that has made amazed us for centuries. The thought of a big hairy animal that is half ape and half human lurking around the forest is scary yet fascinating. No matter how scary or intimidating he might be. Humans are always looking to open Pandora’s box.

H2: History of Bigfoot.

The legend of Bigfoot can be traced back to the 1600s. The 17th century was a time of growth in various parts of the world. People wanted to continue to explore the world and discover new things. Which includes finding new animals. One of those animals was Bigfoot. Someone described him as a scary, big, hairy, tall, and human-like creature that screamed loudly. The problem was only a hand full of people heard or saw him. It could’ve also just been an illusion. So no one could confirm whether he was real or not. Thus the hunt for the mythical creature started.

H3: Discoveries

As the search for the Sasquatch began more people started to tell stories about a possible sighting. Some places where people saw bigfoot included forests in New York, Louisiana, Michigan, and Arizona just to name a few. We eventually began to hear something from afar that could’ve been Bigfoot. In the 1970s someone recorded some abnormal screams and moans. It sounded like some creature that no one could identify. This is the first time people had heard of such a sound.

H4: Obsession

In the following decades, more recordings were taken even some photos and videos.. The look for Bigfoot has turned into an obsession as of now we have shows solely based on looking for Bigfoot. For example, Finding Bigfoot was a show on planet animal that went on for 12 seasons. Researchers did everything they could to find something about the whereabouts of Bigfoot. To their surprise, nothing was found. A documentary called The Sasquatch premiered on Hulu. A man goes on the hunt for Bigfoot using equipment that could be found at yard sales. To his surprise, nothing was found. With the obsession of Bigfoot still growing. I wouldn’t be surprised if more documentaries or shows are produced on the subject of Bigfoot.

H5: Merchdise

The myth of Bigfoot has become very popular. When something becomes popular, companies will take advantage of it and make merchandise. Some merch like shirts, signs, or even stickers can be found at yard sales. But there is one website that seems to have it all and that is Zed’s Zombie Ranch. The best place for Bigfoot fans.

H6: Conclusion

Bigfoot has become a legend in pop culture. He can be seen in all forms of media from tv to movies. Despite all this attention toward the Sasquatch. We still don’t know if he is real. Only time will tell if our search for Bigfoot was a success or a waste of time.

Interview with FTC student

The environment we are in can cause us to be shy

At one point or another in our lives, we consider ourselves shy. Some of us have trouble making ​friends from that shyness. Some of us get lost in life and end up making wrong decisions. ​Ultimately, it's that shyness that we all share that pulls us back from certain things.

James Miller is a 23-year-old college student. He currently goes to Five towns college. He is

studying mass communication. James is looking to go into the field of broadcasting. He is a

calm, smart, outgoing guy. No surprise those great qualities have made James popular. However,

it wasn’t always that way.

Earlier in life, James was a shy guy. It all started when he was in high school. He went to St John

high school in West Islip. One of the things that bothered him was wearing the uniform. It really

annoyed him and started making him feel shy. It became very difficult to make friends. In order

to fit in, he joined the lacrosse team. But the kids weren’t nice. It didn’t affect the way he played

but it did affect his social skills. He no longer participated in sports. James kept more to himself

and become more shy. Once someone keeps more to themselves, they tend not to think properly

about some of their decisions. A perfect example of someone not making a good decision was

James’s choice to go to college. He wanted to go to college but rushed to make the decision to

apply for the college that best fit him. He applied to a university in Portland. He got accepted but

ultimately decided not to go. His shyness pulled him from going. Then he used to Farmingdale

and got accepted but he left after a short period there. A couple of years later James finally found

the perfect school for himself. He applied and got accepted to Five Towns College. He no longer

has trouble making friends, raises his hand in class, and is an overall less shy person.

James no longer struggles with shyness, Five Towns College helped him with that. The small

school, classrooms, and nice people have helped him. Five Towns College is also a school that is

more geared toward students who want to get involved in some form of entertainment. James

wants to work for MSG. Five Towns was the right school for him. It's fair to say the change in

environment has helped James.

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